The 25th New York Cavalry
Thomas Richardson

Sergeant, Company B, 25th New York Cavalry
Age: 24
Origin: Ireland
Grave # 35
Prior to serving with the 25th New York Cavalry, Richardson was part of the 3rd United States Infantry. While serving with that regiment, Richardson fought diligently for the Union at the battles of Manassas, Antietam, and Chancellorsville.
On June 11, 1863, just three weeks before the pivotal battle of Gettysburg, Richardson was mustered out of service and he returned to his civilian life. Then, citizen Richardson, free of his obligation to the Union army, made his way to Brooklyn, New York and took on the profession of a servant.
Seven months later, Thomas Richardson quit his job and, for reasons known only to him, once again donned a soldiers uniform. It is uncertain to say what compelled this man who was free of the Civil War to once again join the fight. All that can be said about Richardson’s motivations is that, apparently, the life of servitude was not for him. -- NPS Self-guided Tour Podcast.
RICHARDSON, THOMAS.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, January 27, 1864, at New York city; mustered in as private, Co. B, February 20, 1864, to serve three years; appointed sergeant, no date stated; killed in action, July 11, 1864, at Fort Stevens, D. C.; prior service in Co. 0, Third New York Volunteers. -- Roster of the 25th New York cavalry