The 25th New York Cavalry
Jeremiah Maloney

Private, Company K, 25th New York Cavalry
Age: 21
Origin: Cork, Ireland
Occupation: Baker
Grave # 34
Jeremiah Maloney was a baker from Cork, Ireland who could not read or write. When it came time for Maloney to sign his name on his enlistment papers, he simply placed his mark, an “X”, for his signature. Tragically, he had just begun his military career only two months earlier and the Battle of Fort Stevens would be his first and only time in combat. -- NPS Self-guided Tour Podcast.
MALONEY, JEREMIAH.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, May 6, 1864, at Fifth District; mustered in as private, Co. K, May 16, 1864, to serve three years; killed in action, July 13, 1864, near Fort Stephen, Washington, D. C; also borne as Malloney. -- Roster of the 25th New York Cavalry