The 25th New York Cavalry
Alfred C. Starbird

Sergeant, Company K, 25th New York Infantry
Age: 31
Origin: Wayne County, Pennsylvania
Occupation: Carpenter
Grave # 33
...Sergeant Starbird is the tallest man buried at the cemetery. Standing at 6 feet 2 his tall frame would have been an imposing sight to see on horseback.
But his height would have been a great disadvantage for him during the battle. With only a few trees and patches of scrub brush to use for cover, there would have been very few places for Starbird to find a safe spot on the battlefield, making him an easy target for the Confederate sharpshooters.
Records indicate that Sergeant Starbird was shot through the heart and died instantly on the battlefield. -- NPS Self-guided Tour Podcast.
STARBIRD, ALFRED C—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, November 7, 1863, at Hancock; mustered in as private, Co. A, November 11,1863, to serve three years; appointed sergeant, February 20, 1864; first sergeant, date not stated; killed in action, July 12, 1864, at Fort Stevens; veteran. -- Roster of the 25th New York Cavalry.