
The Longest Epitaph.

THE longest epitaph in Arlington national cemetery is probably that carved on the strangely shaped monument of Capt. John Williams of the Marine Corps, who died of wounds received in an Indian fight in Florida in 18l2. The inscription, which tells the heroic story, follows:

“Here lie the remains of John Williams. Esq., late a captain in the Corps of U. S. Marines. Was born in Stafford county. Virginia, the 24th August, 1765, and died on the 29th Sept., 1812. at Camp New Hope, in East Florida. The body of the deceased was removed to this spot, over which his brother officers of the Marine Corps have caused this pile to be erected in testimony of his worth and in their mournful admiration of his gallant end.

“On the 11th of September, 1812, Capt. Williams, on his march with a command of 20 men to Davis Creek Block House, in East Florida, was attacked toward evening by upward of fifty Indians and negroes, who lay concealed in the woods. He instantly gave battle, gallantly supported by his men, who, inspired by his animated example, fought as long as they had a cartridges left. At length, bleeding under eight galling wounds and unable to stand, he was carried off the battleground, whilst his heroic little band pressed by superior numbers was forced to retreat.

“Eminently characterized by cool intrepidity, Capt. Williams evinced during this short but severe contest those military prerequisites which qualify the officer for command, and if his sphere of action was too limited to attract the admiration of the world. It was sufficiently expanded to crown him with the approbation of his country, and to afford to his brethren in arms an example as highly useful as his exit has sealed with honor the life of a Patriot Soldier.

Capt. Williams' monument is an elongated pyramid about one foot high. The inscription, which is in script lettering, covers four sides of the stone. The grave is in the war of 1812 section of Arlington, and was without doubt removed there after 1905 from some other cemetery in which this curious stone with its ample inscription had been reared by his brethren in arms.

The Longest Epitaph, “With the Rambler in Odd Nooks and Crannies About the City”, The Evening Star, Washington, D.C., No. 18,959, Saturday August 12, 1912, Page 11.
