Sanity is being Tested is Report

That physicians of the Jail where Miss Alice Paul, head of the militant suffraget party, is serving a seven months’ sentence for picketing the White House, are testing Miss Paul's sanity is the firm belief of her friends here. Miss Helen Paul, the prisoner's sister, says that she talked through a jail window with the imprisoned leader, who informed her that she was under close observation in the psychiatric ward.
Miss Paul has been on a hunger strike for some time. She; says she has been forcibly fed, but Dr. J.A. Gannon, the prison physician, declares that she has taken her nourishment without much resistance. He admits, however, that she went seventy-two hours without food.
The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram. (Richmond, Ind.), 15 Nov. 1917. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.