Portrait Gallery

Thirteen Dollars Reward.

Ran away, on the 23rd of February last, from the subscriber’s plantation in Frederick County Maryland, an Irish servant man named Andrew Dunlop, has been some years in the country, since which he has come under indenture; he is about 5 feet 10 inches high, has dark brown hair, tied behind, thin visage and pale complexion, talks much of being a soldier in the last war, is subject to drink, and very impertinent: Had on, and took with him a suit of brown drab cloth, old blue camblet coat and jacket, old castor hat, one narrow ax and mattock, and sundry other things unknown, he having formerly cut wood at the Principio works, near Susquehannah. It is supposed he is now near that place.

Whoever takes up said servant, and delivers him to his master, or to the sheriff of Baltimore County, shall receive the above reward, and reasonable charges paid by

Mordecai Gist.
Baltimore, Oct. 3, 1771.
N.B. His wife being a free woman, has since left her place of residence, and gone off to him.

“Thirteen Dollars Reward,” Pennsylvania Chronicle, October 3, 1771.
