
The Washington Evening Star, November 30, 1881, Page 1.

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Garfield Memorial Tablet

Garfield Memorial Tablet.—This afternoon a very fine piece of work was set in place in the Ladies' room of the Baltimore and Potomac depot. It is a memorial stone to mark the where President Garfield was shot, and is in the wall directly over the silver star in the floor, which marks the place where the President fell. The tablet is of white marble about 3 by 4 feet superficies, and is an elegant piece of carving. An eagle surmounts the work, holding in its claws arrows and laurels, and beneath it the American flag falls gracefully about a tablet in gold letters inscribed: “James A. Garfield, President of the United States, shot July 2, 1881.”

Garfield Memorial Tablet, The Evening Star, Washington D.C., Vol. 58, No. 8,940, Wednesday, November 30, 1881, Page 1.(PDF)
