Col. Julius Fleischman

COLONEL FLEISCHMAN, son of Charles and Henrietta Robertson Fleischman, was born in Riverside, Hamilton county, Ohio, June 8, 1871. His education was received in the Cincinnati public schools, Hughes' high school, and the Franklin school on Walnut Hills. He began his career in 1889 as a clerk for Fleischman and Company, manufacturers of compressed yeast. For the last two years and a half he has had charge of the business management. He is a director in the Market National Bank, president oi the Union Grain and Hay Company, and president of the Riverside Malting and Elevator Company. He is also half owner in the extensive racing stable located in Ciucinnati and run by the firm of Fleischman and Son. This firm has three large stock farms in New Jersey, on which are raised some of the finest horses in the world. These farms are under the supervision of Mr. Julius Fleischman. He is also president ofthe Illinois Vinegar Manufacturing Company, which has a capital stock of $100,000, and constitutes the largest vinegar concern in the country if not in the world. He is a republican and was aid-de-camp on the staff of ex-Governor McKinley, succeeding his father to that position in the springofl894, and occupies the same position on the staff of Governor Bushnell. He is a member of the Queen City Club, of the Phcenix Club, the Country Club, the Riding Club, the Lincoln and Young Men's Blaine Clubs, and a Mason. April 12, 1893, he was married to Lilly Ackerland, daughter of A. and Louise Ackerland. They have one child, Louise Henrietta.

Representative Men of Ohio, 1896-97, by James Kazerta Mercer, C. N. Vallandigham.