Fleischmann of Cincinnati
The big fistic contest that is scheduled to take place at Cincinnati February 15 between Champion James Jeffries and Gus Ruhlin is attracting considerable attention throughout the country on account or the fight being made for and against holding it in that city. On one side are Mayor Fleischmann, the Saengerfest and many of the prominent citizens and business men of Cincinnati who are in favor

(Mayor of Cincinnati, promoter of Athletics, Millionaire, and Spanish War Veteran, Who Believes In Boxing.)
of letting the match be held, while opposed to them are several ministers, attorneys and other citizens, who contend that the mayor has no right to allow the battle to take place. In explaining the situation, Mayor Fleischmann said: "For the last ten years we have had sparring contests in Cincinnati. My position in the matter summed briefly is this: I will issue a permit for the contest in February, two days before it is scheduled to take place. There is no reason why I should issue it before then." The mayor will never get elected again.
Men of the Hour, The Philipsburg Mail, Philipsburg, Montana. March 1, 1901.