Portrait Gallery

Dwight F. Davis

Lieut. Col. Dwight F. Davis
Candidate for Republican Nomination for
United States Senator
whose record of 16 years' unselfish public service is a platform within itself, and a guarantee of Republican victory in November

The Davis for Senator Club of St. Louis, comprised of friends, neighbors and business and professional associates of Col. Dwight F. Davis, present him to the Republicans of Missouri as an ideal candidate for United States Senator.

In this period of world reconstruction, following the most disastrous war in history, when crisis follows crisis in international affairs, this nation must have on guard in the Senate of the United States men of high, unselfish purpose and ideals, broad training and vision, with both will and capacity to render efficient service to this State and this Country, and, through them, to the world.

Col. Davis measures up to this exacting standard. For more than 16 years he consecrated himself to the service of humanity --unselfishly and earnestly—- fighting both in civil life and on the battlefield for the rights of man.

He is a humanitarian, with a nationwide reputation; a business man of broad experience, with a legal education; a champion in athletic sports, the head of a happy family, and a volunteer soldier, twice cited for bravery under fire on the battlefield.

Beginning in 1903, he became head of organizations that worked through a long period of years to create better living and recreation conditions for the poor; for providing boys and girls of his home city with clean, healthful sports, such as baseball and tennis, and surrounding them in their everyday life with social and educational influences that made them better citizens and better Americans. His work in the tenement districts of St. Louis, largely populated by foreign born, was a notable contribution to the Americanization movement, successfully prosecuted many years before this question became an acute issue in this country.

Col. Davis served his city as a member of the Public Baths Commission, Public Recreation Commission, House of Delegates, Board of Freeholders, City Plan Commission, Public Library Board, and as Park Commissioner and President of the City Club. He organized the Municipal Athletic Association to foster clean sports for the boys and girls. These services of immeasurable value were rendered practically without financial reward.

As a Republican, he served his party as president and vice-president of the Twenty-Eighth Ward Republican Club and as President of the Republican First Voters' League of Missouri, and as an enthusiastic private and worker in the ranks.

In his home city, where Col. Davis is known both as a citizen and as a man where his splendid, unselfish public service and his devotion to his country's cause and his country's flag in war --have endeared him to the people --the Republicans stand practically as one man for Col. Davis for the Republican nomination for Senator. They know that his training and experience, his exalted character, his broad grasp of public questions, and his love for humanity qualify him admirably for greater service in the Senate.

Col. Davis is at clean candidate standing on a clean, progressive platform. His nomination in August will wreck the Democratic Party in November.

War Record of Col. Davis

Volunteered in May 1917, as a member of the Fifth Regiment, Missouri National Guard, commissioned as Captain, and helped organize the regiment.

In training at Camp Doniphan, promoted to Assisstant Chief of Staff, later to Major. Sailed for France with Thirty-fifth Division.

Participated in great battles of San Mihiel and Argonne, and was twice cited in Divisional Orders for gallantry in action under intense machine gun and shell fire.

Promoted Lieutenant Colonel after the Argonne battle.

A booklet giving the details of Col. Davis' civic and military record will be sent on application.

To present the record of Col. Davis to the voters of Missouri, this advertisement is prepared and paid for by THE DAVIS FOR SENATOR CLUB.

Edward F. Regenhardt,

John H. Holliday,

State Headquarters:

620 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo.

Hermanner Volksblatt, Hermann, Missouri, April 30, 1920.
