61st Pennsylvannia
John Ellis

Private, Company A, 61st Pennsylvannia Infantry
3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, VI Corps.
Age: 19
Origin: Pennsylvania
Grave # 36
Roster 61st New York Infantry:
Ellis, John,
Rank: Private
Date of Muster into Service: Aug. 2, 1864 (sic)
Term-Years: 3
Remarks: Killed at Fort Stevens, July 12, 1864.
Three Brothers:
Company A, at Fort Stevens, had two brothers, Aseph and John Ellis, both excellent soldiers; a brother of the two men, in Company A belonged to the 7th Wisconsin, named Horace A. Ellis, who at the time was in Washington recovering from wounds. He left the hospital, got a gun and took his place with Aseph and John, serving with distinguished gallantry. When the fight ended, John was among the killed, the two surviving brothers burying him on the field. Horace then returned to the hospital and later to his regiment, with enhanced reputation as a courageous man, ready to do more than his duty. -- History of the 61st Regiment by A.T. Brewer, 1911, page 108.